Towards a low-carbon world

Going towards a low carbon world, taking care of people and nature, reducing inequality, or increasing tolerance and openness for others. This is the challenge of our generation!

“We are the first generation to feel the impact of climate change and the last generation that can do something about it” – Barack Obama

Of course it can be scary, but it’s also a lot of new possibilities. What if we took this opportunity to dream the world we would love to have ?

And then … Just do it! 😊

Teal Ocean supports humans on this environmental friendly journey, fully embracing the ethics of permaculture – Earth Care, People Care and Fair Share.

Earth Care – A viable and desirable path

In the last hundreds of thousands years, the stability of the system earth enabled us to prosper, to develop everything that we take as granted today. Unfortunately, by developing ourselves, we have put more and more pressure on the planet, and today, we are risking to unbalance permanently this fragile and complex eco-system.

Therefore, it is key, in order to create a desirable future, to integrate everywhere the reflection on how we take care of our planet, how we develop products, services that are compatible with a low-carbon world, energy-efficient, even regenerating, giving back to the planet.

the beauty and fragileness of our environment

People Care – Another sustainability

Our world goes faster and faster, always asking for more efficiency, for faster results. We are drowned by information, we are more and more worried by our future. This leads to stress, eco-anxiety and burnouts.

This is why we need to change the story, we need to create a society, organizations and even teams where the humans are at the center, we need to help every person to blossom, to become their best version of themselves. We need to enable equivalence, benevolence and kindness to unleash the autonomy and responsibility in all of us.

Teal Ocean already helps organizations and teams walk that path for almost a decade.

equivalence as a way to take care of people for a desirable low-carbon world

Fair Share – An ecologically sound approach

Our today’s economy has become its own goal, demanding more return, increasing the money it generates and in the process moving away from what is ecologically sound, putting too much pressure on the resources and the people and slowly forgetting some of its initial intentions: reducing inequalities and help humanity prosper.

The economy has to become again at the service of the people and not the other way around. We have to re-enable and valorize the other law of the jungle and increase collaboration and collaboration, we have to do our best to get back in the doughnut.

Teal Ocean wants to be part of this new movement, putting collaboration before competition, sharing back in his community in various ways to help build this ecofriendly world.

Our low-carbon dream

Teal Ocean wants to help society dream its ideal world, and then help accelerate the transition towards this dream.

From creating awareness on the challenges we face,
to reinventing how we make society,
From helping individuals towards self-accomplishment
to unleashing sustainable organizations,
From building local communities for more resilience
to inspiring on how life could be different

This is Teal Ocean